FeatureWhat We Promise for
Successfull Company
IoT Introduction and Architectures
Introduction to IoT
IoT Communication Protocols
Introduction to ESP32 and NodeMCU
Iot Clouds,Analytics & Datascience
Sensors for IoT
IoT using Thingspeak
Sending Data to Thingspeak -Arduino+Humidity+Air quality(Weather monitoring system)
How to Analyze IoT Data in ThingSpeak
Deploying a Machine learning Model on the Cloud
Thingspeak for IoT in agriculture
Smart Humidity Sensor – ThingSpeak, MATLAB, and IFTTT
IoT with Microsoft Azure
Introduction to IoT with Microsoft Azure
Implementing IoT with Azure
Edge Computing and Analytics
Coginitive services,Computer vision API
Weather monitoring station using Microsoft Azure and Arduino
Iot Projects and Case Study
- Home automation using Google Assistant
- Industrial Iot using Zigbee and WIFI(Windmill case study)
- Recording sensor data to google sheet using IFTTT withArduino and sending alerts
- Real time Video surveillance esp32cam and Blynk App
- Predictive Maintenance of a Duct Fan Using Nodemcu, ThingSpeak and MATLAB
IoT with AWS IoT
Introduction to AWS IoT,Setting up Free tier AWS, AWS CLI, Policys, Security Credentials, and Testing
Raspberry PI3 with AWS IOT SDK
SNS Push Notifications,AWS IoT Analytics AWS Lambda Functions for IoT
HTTPs Arduino sketch to AWS IoT Core for the ESP8266 and ESP32
Using Mongoose OS on embedded devices for AWS IoT
Storing data into the Dynamo Database from the AWS IoT control panel
AWS Quicksight for data analytics and visulizations
AWS Device Shadows and multiple Pub/Sub’s
Weather monitoring station using AWS IOT
Ngcc Provides Top-Quality Software Development Courses
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